Thursday, January 22, 2009

The best of sweets

Marcial's mom cooks a different pie or cake every day, and if life continues this way, I will easily be extremely fat by the time I get back to the states.

Although, they taste extremely amazing, and I really can't complain because I haven't had so much home-made food in over 10 years. Everyone cooks everything here. It's rare to eat fast food, and if you do, you eat bread from a bakery.

So, I will keep eating amazing pies, and just hope that walking everywhere will burn off the calories. :)

Der neue Präsident!

So, of course we all know Obama is now President. It was such a huge deal here in Germany...there were many inaugeration parties and it was on every channel and in every paper and magazine. But what was really funny, was that everyone was so excited that the swearing in didn't go as expected... hahah

Obama stumbled over the words and the judge reading made a few mistakes while reading, too. But, nonetheless, the oath was repeated (today or yesterday, I think) just to make sure it is legal.

The first thing he did was order Guantanamo Bay to be closed, which is a great first move in my opinion.

The world will watch very closely over the next months...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last night Marcial's parents hosted a dinner at a local restaurant, and his Dad played harmonica for everyone, it was great haha.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My first handball game

So I finally got to go to a handball game. Marcial's team played a home game Saturday night.

It's and interesting sport... almost identical to basketball, except more physical and soccer nets and goalies instead of basketball hoops.

The cround is interesting... mostly business men, not the usual young crowd you would see at an American basketball game.

This is the biggest sport in Germany.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mannheim/Snowy day

So, the Neckar river is frozen for the first time since 1963... that should tell you how cold it is here :) Today, I went to Mannheim with Marcial to his Uni, University of Mannheim, and IT WAS SNOWING. I was obviously really excited, because it's the first time that I can remember ever being in real snow. It was great.

And snow, from what I am told, is very rare in Mannheim, so it was a special treat.

The University is breathtaking. It's in an old palace, and no American Uni can compare to its architecture.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My place

I got to Heidelberg today to check in to my dorm... and ... this is where I live: In a small castle! SWEET.

When you enter, you have to climb almost 50 stairs up a spiral staircase to get the first floor. Then you go up two more flights of stairs to get to the dorms. Thank god I had someone to help me with my suitcases haha...

The back of the place is gorgeous. There is a wonderful little courtyard. I can't imagine how old this place is, but I love it.

There is a balcony that covers the entire front of the building, which you can see in the two pictures.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So we finally got to Schwaikheim, and Marcial's parents took us up to this vineyard on top of a mountain. It was covered in snow, and there is the most beautiful view of the entire village from the top. The pictures really don't do it justice...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dachau Concentration Camp

On our way out of Munich, going to Schwaikheim (where Marcial lives) we stopped at Dachau Concentration camp. It was snowing, and freeeeeeezing. But nonetheless, I wanted to see it.

The entrance of the camp has a gate that says "Work makes you free." I couldn't believe how cold it was, I can't imagine living there with only limited clothing, or sometimes next to none.

Going into the gas chambers was pretty insane. You could see the slots where the Zyklon-B was dropped from outside, and the doors were extremely thick and made of metal.
It was so weird to walk down the center of the camp, and look up and see the watch towers every 1/4 a mile...
Kind of a heavy thing to do the second day you are in Germany, but I wanted to ... and it was a good experience.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First day in Germany, in Munich

After 12 hours of travelling, I arrived in Munich at noon German time. Marcial took me around the city, and I got to take the tram for the first time. The picture is of the Munich city hall, located right outside of the main train station. It's so much bigger and more beautiful than it looks in the picture. For dinner, we had a traditional Bavarian dinner, with big pretzels, Radler, (lemonade and beer mixed) and Apple pancake-thingees. :) When I got there, it was negative in Celcius (I'm still really bad at comprehending celcius vs. fahrenheit, but I'm sure that's really cold.) But we stayed inside most of the time, so it was ok. Overall, a great start to my stay.